I spent a lot of time this week organizing Michaela's school room. My wonderful sister came over to help me tackle this project. It's something I've wanted to do for awhile since my supplies outgrew my original idea for storing materials.
This room used to be my closet. Before I had children I worked as an assitant manager at a clothing store. I had tons of clothes but unfortunately I have outgrown almost all of them either by size or age. It's hard to believe this room was a closet at one point. I had way too much stuff!
Little did I know when I had my Papaw build the shelves in this room that it would one day be an awesome place for my children to learn! (Thanks Papaw!)
2 Responses to "New Classroom - Before & After"
What a transformation!
I definitely have long low shelves on my want list. It's great that you already had them built!
And I'm kind of curious - what's on the pages you have on the wall above the shelves?
For some reason I had kept an old Rick Warren calendar that had quotes about the purpose driven life. I took it apart and made posters. it is a great reminder that my purpose, for now, is to pour my life into the children and to help them find their purpose for God. I find it can become a little monotonous at times to go over the same things day in and day out without immediate results. I'm sure you understand that feeling!
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